This isn’t the first time you’ve heard this, and it won’t be the last time. You’ve got to have a presence on Facebook to tap into potential customers and beat your competitors. Social media marketing is here to stay. With Facebook owning Instagram and Whatsapp, the network of social media channels owned by Facebook is worth investing in.
Facebook is the number one social network used by marketers with the highest return on investment, according to Hubspot. There are over 2.38 billion monthly active Facebook users on the platform, which makes it the most popular social media platform used by consumers as well.
When it comes to connecting with potential customers, social media has become the main hub for finding new products. In 2018, 78% of US consumers made purchases through discoveries on Facebook. And out of 57% of consumers who say that social media influences their shopping, 44% say Facebook is the most influential. And publishers stand to gain because it’s a great way to promote all types of content in front of a wide audience.